Dorte Mandrup | What makes a sustainable building? (English episode)


Three key insights:

1) CO2 emissions are not the only indicator for sustainability in buildings. It is also about creating identity with which the users of a building associate themselves and integrate it in their lives for a long time. Also nowadays architects have to think about future possible concepts of use of a building when designing for the present.

2) Architectural firms today need to position themselves differently and more broadly through specialists in order to meet the new challenges.

3) An open source understanding of knowledge transfer in sustainable building is needed. The currently observable decentralized reinvention of sustainable strategies in the industry prevents the necessary speed.

||||| Quotes |||||

“When you build you know you are interfering into the environment in so many ways. Therefore every aspect of a building has to be meaningful.”

“You have to understand that you will need to reuse the building and how are you going to do that.”

“It’s not enough to be sustainable or to have a low or zero CO2 footprint. If you want to build something it has to be important for a community, for a context.“

“There is no quick fix in sustainability.”

||||| ABOUT |||||

👉 In the ndion podcast, the German Design Council invites interesting people from various industries and talks to them about topics from the field of tension between design, brand and innovation. They ask about the current challenges in transformation, about megatrends and micro-tools, about lessons learned and the most important dos and don'ts.

||||| PEOPLE |||||

👤 Dorte Mandrup, Creative Director & Founder at Dorte Mandrup I Danish Architect I Adjunct Professor–

🗣 Host: Martin Pauli, Associate Director Strategy & Insights Circular Economy, Sustainability, ESG I Global Circular Economy Services Leader --

||||| CHAPTER |||||

ab 00:00 | Introduction

ab 03:20 | Can architects contribute to tackle climate change?

ab 06:37 | How to convince clients about the value of sustainability

ab 10:35 | How to define what makes a sustainable building

ab 15:02 | Design visions: value and functionality

ab 20:14 | How will architecture evolve and adapt to global changes?

Transkript anzeigen

00:00:00: Music.

00:00:11: Architektur

00:00:15: materials and technologies Automation in digitalization and business model Martin is the global economy Service Lieder

00:00:24: männerschnupfen zurück in CRAN in this world about strategies zerstückelt design and business model innovation is a member of innovation weiße Reebok

00:00:35: German sustainable building Council

00:00:37: so welcome to the new Alien Podcast Chopper German Design Council that will Explorer and discuss the current and future Rohloff AG.

00:00:46: In der practice and its potential Ticker summer the most pressing global challenges the German Design Council has from the influence inspire and to make the impact of Design ist ein Architekt in this context more visible

00:01:01: so if you've recently been to the ice Center in Greenland where you want you the one season train Denmark.

00:01:09: Jul hat experience the spaces the materials the surfaces and the view there are designed by our guest today with the name

00:01:18: architect of the year in twenty twenty one by the German Design Council so welcome Dortmund ob thank you very much

00:01:25: what's your favorite project and the moment what are you working on

00:01:35: Platte in Aarhus Denmark

00:01:36: which is a market hole that is a little bit the look around and the market hall is all about me pictures of recycling and on top of the market through the public Plaza

00:01:47: supi booking TUHH underwater fantastic an really curious to learn more Button repair Shops because you already Menschenmengen an important

00:01:56: Tropic get rid of the touch and you in this podcast with the way you move to more

00:02:01: BC conscious view on the value of materials on resources on buildings component system Sriracha that later but interesting with the currents architectural engineering and in construction sector Morrissey acr-bad seems to be facing the comprehensive Transformation if you like the global challenges

00:02:23: das glaube pressure on climate change on climate adaptation resources Ascaris Sabbath außerdem crazy labour shortage Alice in Germany friends.

00:02:33: So I'll get the sense in a model train station architecture ten years ago this intubieren emerging tension between the traditional and future Konzert.

00:02:43: Concept Kids we shape the way we design and construction maybe even operate buildings district in cities can you also feel that

00:02:51: Menschen wie du what is the date today question that you're dealing with

00:02:55: the most important question of course on the challenges is the climate crisis nothing but actually a global from that we are saget Exekutor dress the rose.

00:03:06: Oder Logo Prop 2 can increase the inequality über das Moor politico question

00:03:12: the way we have absolutely direct influences on the climate

00:03:16: ich weiß es so alles dürfen sie möchten Verstand zu dir her really appreciate that you because I got the feeling that feeling of the past decade the architects have been turned into never.

00:03:29: Lower corner of the room no because everything has become so technical and the sustainability in Genderaspekt dominated by

00:03:39: technology is bad building services in bei PVN Water 3

00:03:43: the feeling that the architecture of using more and more impact even though they have destroyed the mansion at the construction industry buildings account for thirty percent of global sie und tue mich erst zu hubertsberg attack.

00:03:58: Bevor die anderen sind Stakeholder scrivito influences that you're thinking we have the possibility of influencing anything but it's my part of the world all think that the architecture businesses

00:04:10: Kambodscha Mode Technicolor thing we need als AGZ

00:04:13: Praxistest be much more technical and we need a more specialised knowledge inside the office when I started a friend years ago I would like

00:04:21: orange is the correct Lego from concept design to building Editors nothing but not possible anymore thing we need to have larger offices and of course the possibility that the service Espelkamp ethmoidalis ab

00:04:35: costa-ricanische in in having a jar of this is what you need to have the inside knowledge to be able to face

00:04:42: the challenges we have today I think architecture offices und liest hier in Scandinavia hier in Denmark kostenlos of course of difference between Swedish Danish and origin of this but there is only

00:04:53: Fimo professional and you have much more specialist inside your beschissen anderswo we been doing nothing but the last ten years.

00:05:00: Is withdrawn Diapason set to gain more specialist inside Festnetz interesting klein Brief.

00:05:09: Look like a mean what good compared to ten years ago may be the change to do you need to respond differently now with your.

00:05:17: NMS Vöcklamarkt mookambika des asymmetrischen Briefes oder klein Brief Sarah much more

00:05:23: complex and much more demanding which is outsourcing bitte verproben the businesses that we need to prove everything.

00:05:30: V wie Vendetta signed and since the ability is much more complex affair.

00:05:35: Welches Tier wird es nur quick-fix Birthday you need to rework Woitalla.

00:05:41: Along the way to understand what is the most sustainable answer to this question are nothing but not really understood

00:05:49: difference between different countries and expenses are different parts of the world and their experiences with the sustainability.

00:05:56: We want more more internationally anything that the knowledge that we landed here is not necessarily granted in another part of the wild something that I need

00:06:06: to have a much more open source understanding of.

00:06:09: Stehen ability altingöz need to have much more discussions around the right solutions Ratingen right now we heart.

00:06:17: The timber 1rst Union TV Ennigerloh bring a thing does not necessarily to the city for the snow quick-fix so it is.

00:06:26: All we need to share knowledge because time is running out the window in the way open up.

00:06:32: Anciana icin experiences able to evolve much quicker

00:06:37: really care what you're saying we are dealing with complex questions on the snow Rider around there is no simple answer

00:06:44: regardless we talking about climate adaptation circularity Boris Karloff many answers to one problem and in that sense is somehow need to be able to

00:06:54: tatuaggio ob es dir draußen kommst du ob es die außer halbe bitte evidence to beg your decision making up that thing

00:07:02: Bad diversity and thinking and still loving many perspectives that's a bissle one of the biggest challenge to know and your measuring timber yes we do you see that trend and vom FC Karben

00:07:16: perspective

00:07:17: can be the answer in Medien sind es bei der Feuerwehr außer discussing genau three special needs architecture buildings

00:07:26: prince and last for three hundred years

00:07:28: Eventim by might not be the only answer to the question and Karten might not be the only indicator zu how do you can't convince the kleiner Mini future don't you want it that way what is it that you are focusing on Induktion

00:07:42: attract your attitude towards sustainability

00:07:49: Trinker mit Tischtennis und kann selbst einen Campingplatz german light period of time and convincing clients through the process manually

00:07:57: digital crimes Twin YouTube competition think is becoming a little.

00:08:02: Was Trading because you should you have you there might be convinced that there's one and they might not have the knowledge to evaluate on the very complex

00:08:11: kosten Surfbrett Navi habe challenge in trying to understand that this process is really really complicated and we need to work together without client.

00:08:20: Zwergschildkröte Person 206 competition so maybe not the white Anzug Reitjacke interesting view of the mentioned in the US.

00:08:30: The Treaty strike me which is the fact that everyone is CMD open is making things when you're learning in the project

00:08:38: Princess publicly available to kannst du excelerate things we lost the sea within our practice that many people are constantly reinventing the wheel and if we look and twenty thirty and twenty fifty three Canada

00:08:51: hurt anymore to come to a situation where sharing Loslassens law and open Leon that someone can Bilder nation can you can continue building how to describe a kid

00:09:04: Space it is the competitive

00:09:07: Base ist der Imperativ sometimes like you say me and the will of sustainability programs like a stranger in the night The Weeknd so it's much more.

00:09:19: Biker one liner this is the most sustainable building and we all know that you can't say that

00:09:24: die ganze das ist deine Problem bequatschen need to know where are the Champs.

00:09:32: Was bedeutet das im Startmenü work in different parts of the world that the knowledge is country invented what time to go to the states.

00:09:40: Motorraumreiniger building Pacino The o2 London

00:09:49: Videos Service diese Kanne to simplified ways of thinking sustainability

00:09:56: battery Show differences the context like you Rap maybe then Scandinavia Todesfälle in banst Herder Helmut focus from all this operation energy questions trotz Moritz ac Materie related question what is the actual energy Erfordernis

00:10:13: spiele mit here I am I treated so bad.

00:10:16: Ages gracefully hatte we keep it at the highest possible value of the interplay of thinking

00:10:24: something bad wär ein Australian carriage the entire sector Twitter

00:10:29: and I write if you get other regions serenata is a dancer the many reasons policy for instance.

00:10:36: What is it done for you mean what is your focus oder kannst das ist deine Benutzerseite sense that every AG.

00:10:44: Architektur on the attitude towards that you.

00:10:49: Define a sustainable building for your context maybe even here in Denmark.

00:10:57: Einschließlich Böhringer sing the flexibility and the possibility of change in the future for the things you think is very very important nothing is probably been part of our way of thinking for many years that you need to be extremely.

00:11:11: Careful how you used space so you don't waste space of the resource and that you actually work with the concert Show hide your soul there is the flexibility and doesn't have to be Box Espace Tubifex Amadeus.

00:11:24: Was Bildschirm change and functional RCS Service Nord South Pacific Anna singt das Parfum sustainable thinking about the Remarketing Gips

00:11:32: kusmi Tea life cycle analysis on on Apache2 disabilities and making mistakes you say in Unity life cycle analysis because it's still not about you take.

00:11:43: Temple of the way you do life cycle analysis Timbales.

00:11:48: Tus to be earned any and instead of learning for twenty years does the life cycle of the Chamber in this programs.

00:11:58: We simple building of the city you the Furious the person to different ways of thinking of course I knew you were something over.

00:12:05: BG Porcia divide mit serious is one thing mittelgroßer think of the building is being something that is there for the extremely SIS

00:12:13: sing because I looked at some of your buildings daily the impression that will be there for hundreds of years

00:12:20: Vermieter Stanley makes me feel much more, the birthday happy and you still take care of Isley auf

00:12:27: Carmen automotive Center for good by doing is right where currently trying to

00:12:33: reduce the complexity trotz amberry view

00:12:38: indicator seltsam Kaindorf safety and security officer

00:12:46: von Ischia believe it's much more complex and B aspects that you are many languages and if we can continue making building

00:12:55: DATEV to future changes that I can accommodate.

00:12:59: In office building ist war das Kindergarten des Indiens may be much more sustainable equity with existing buildings in the way that country with

00:13:09: of the change our behavior to others can we use the structures of the energy that is embedded into the structures.

00:13:17: Meine Nord Ergebnisse Pisa or questions that ultimately enable you and friends.

00:13:25: Im Bett Problem something that I'd like to hear fear the fear that influence inside something way you.

00:13:33: In Sweden on the habe Hornisse quite large project ist also die 2002 Mitte September construction with the base because this way down the river of the heart.

00:13:42: So it really a hard time to the bases in concrete and the rest of the building is on in timber and the client is very.

00:13:49: Interesting because they have extreme ambitious goals on sustainability and the hard the knowledge is what they have they have.

00:13:58: Corinna doors and windows and materials were sent to the upside down the view this Qualität kostet 1 l.

00:14:08: Obwohl Sonderhefte facilities to do on one hand on the other hand that the building is the mixed-use building we don't know how much the building rubihaus informativo bi-office is nothing that the client.

00:14:20: The beginning to make the ceiling height of the burning in the one me the higher than you would you should you for the housing.

00:14:26: Meaning that the birkenbihl used for anything something ceiling height of the simple answer CasinoEuro.

00:14:32: Kusmi Tea temperature with a discussion on than you know when you have a large espanol flexibility so in a way way

00:14:39: ihr noch haust du kannst Du aktuell Niederlagen to insure the ability and the future sales method on the sea.

00:14:48: You have to understand that you in the future only to use the wings of the dream today and all the best examples of.

00:14:57: Parking habe ceiling height does not usable for anything on cars like to learn more about the pot with the topic that I mentioned.

00:15:08: Pretty much in line with the type of question that we need answers über talking about adaptability

00:15:14: sexy bilici außer technical questions live from the ceiling height Jessi gesammelt Monitor, they different services in the future The Weeknd love for the weekend love for different users

00:15:24: i guess you are the optimal sing the building for different lifecycles Übersetzer something that we experience that

00:15:31: ich frische that the different components in each building I have different life cycle the building structure that could last for three of four hundred years the things that might need be replaced of the twenty five years in the wall

00:15:48: Design question sadly that's you can influence in your design and in that sense you can influence the sustainability the circularity of a project

00:15:59: heut lastikli even without adding lots of Technology Android.

00:16:05: Meshes.

00:16:13: Größten Amina Office works very much with the notion of grading place upgrading identity UK for place an ad that doesn't mean

00:16:23: making Fleisch E-Learnings in means that you have a possibility of adding value in a context 1 Centurion Manchester.

00:16:33: Wie heißt geocenter ich will manchmal Trading places very much about on the lining the excess in qualitative Trading new possibilities for collective understanding of play store Leipzig Jobcenter.

00:16:45: The idea of being able to move over the roof of the building is not just a funny.

00:16:50: ITunes ist ja bald continuing the landscape Lifestyle energy trading Espace viewpoint ascertain identity für Displays Annahme 6 Leaving used to get married

00:17:01: Arafat going out into nature something really is in our times.

00:17:09: Navitel subplot2grid wear

00:17:13: Die Inhalte ist keine Bücher step kann aus Hugo Jamie Oliver talking about the regular buildings or spaces and then more sustainable but what's coming without love

00:17:25: regenerated thinking as to what can the building do in this

00:17:30: spaceback Nature community of the questions to ask a sandwich and you are talking about the local community in der nächsten project jemals thinking about diversity on the building ellinair auf Filter

00:17:49: ein Bett ist auch so immer contradictory to wear with black hair and think of moving things to zero ist Promi in Arena

00:17:57: napolini zu kannst du Gift something back years and what is the Dead Space Cat back and think I gave great Saturday

00:18:07: tänzerische nephew journey practitioner the experience with fantastic project sum sum in how do you imagine bei 5

00:18:17: repairable future of vision for the built environment what's your thinking

00:18:22: das weltbekannte floating point of using YouTube.

00:18:29: I know you into flying into the environment in so many ways settings to be me what you do at the weekend the building where.

00:18:38: Every aspect of the place to be meaningful functionally emozioni something doesn't care Anaconda Sound banal bei Unity extreme be careful

00:18:48: und ein bisschen getönt be careful when you use resources and has to be important for device is not what did against the vision.

00:18:57: Ist jetzt der way of working i always thinking of things that is important because of China.

00:19:03: Subsysteme projects Dortmund Norddeich lieben Mini vs Norden auf to be sustainable.

00:19:09: Otto haben los U2 Football that has to have important Sami name of you want to build something has to be important for community for context.

00:19:18: Na es ist Nathan Aero really really appreciate deutsch bitte Bottmingen just about the ticking technical Box.

00:19:27: Think beyond life everything what you're saying about resources they're really taking care of

00:19:35: how we extract resources how we turn them into product Systems how we operate MHW

00:19:43: Hey come back into cycles when there's that old thing that everyone talks about the resources are not reliable sources carefully the Haven

00:19:58: been doing probably in der past eine gerne dazu aussieht.

00:20:02: Architekt 12er native education could gain more influence the kid can really Drive data gender and Release

00:20:11: Ford Focus on the lights back together let's play the role of

00:20:17: architects and practitioners Amewi außer die architecture domain in the future what you think Armin how will

00:20:24: bis business i Wolfen Howlett adaptive.

00:20:29: Changing context Aqua look in the future last dance by the way

00:20:35: the future is not to know this project did you right now is going to be the future nothing but they are important to understand it now instead of predicting transcending the understanding DIS AG teccenter Gäste in every blackness.

00:20:50: Kleines hast

00:20:51: possibility of shaping the future will and architectural something there will be more more by the company speak you would need to have.

00:21:01: Monolicht inside and companies on one hand on the other hand this von mir braids für.

00:21:06: Dann Architekten Bremen Personal Techniker Sickinger Praxis wifi important is the new way to find the balance between

00:21:15: Daniel Aktion Kreuze artistic Variante 2 ending is possible I like that and what you're saying that we can actively shape

00:21:25: the future Starts that we want aha

00:21:27: erstelle Esprit Fördervereins adrianopels Anstandswauwau we should be doing inzwischen with the thought that we have a lot to do you come into your point of of larger practices Eingriffe Real Sociedad at the same time of the sea very promising to smaller practices research ethics

00:21:46: permitting highlighting with that will also remain quite a strong

00:21:53: was packt nudelini tübingen-hohenheim Fabian ist das nachher wieder in the structural engineering industry

00:22:03: ist nackt necessarily design to innovate the cost pressure the time pressure der swisscommerce ist

00:22:12: Invaders and who will do the experiments in again.

00:22:16: P2P architect Saint and design practitioners that really have the carriage driving cars

00:22:23: things to test new materials to other no go back to the land use when you know that you are the different way you are single

00:22:31: ist Samurai satilik oder positiv gemeint als think there is a lot of interesting small offices

00:22:39: doing Experiments Eva Halteverbot series by the strange thing to me yesterday at work with concrete The Rock.

00:22:47: Lord of Label without really addressing the issue is strange Arena think a lot of the very artistically interesting

00:22:54: offices Atomic neuen sustainability of the strange because they seem to become the division between artistically interesting

00:23:03: offices under the ashes day it was the worst

00:23:07: fing das Guthaben ist das you have small office is there are doing really actually interest.

00:23:14: Workbook without pressing any of the big issues and then there is the large Office Österreich Lee building 19 ein Versand living in a higher technical way but without injection.

00:23:26: Kinder wo die Lüge Zimmertheater big bang theory Smarties in situ Cast is actually using you know we go to the way through the process.

00:23:39: Is using very very badly paid Loipersdorf issues than usually

00:23:45: Oh Indio tasered Rest data don't think is being addressed with the office is there are actually Germany interesting something something that might she Wolf of the time because the pressure

00:23:58: on resources on climate & labour shortage will.

00:24:03: Eben bekam bigger Downhill mit Tages und der twenty thirty of the national government would be really much Moron res

00:24:12: policy sind da wohl als Video aus der effect on the day-to-day practice Maya that's the fast remove the battle of the Year i'm so glad

00:24:26: to see your office in your car

00:24:28: praktisch seiner innersten the projects that you are discussed Wickeltisch 7th the latitude and the meaning that you're saying that you are addressing the challenges fantastic

00:24:42: i also believe we have to accept that ambiguity for quite a while that no one has or the answer is important that everyone is something to the

00:24:53: right direction ends

00:24:55: wo ist der do you really came to end of this ariely

00:25:03: Bio red and repeat what the listeners FIFA comments or of feedback that is related to this podcast feel free to get in touch

00:25:13: Jonas you find the contact details in the shoutouts so gern many things around Monopolkommission.

00:25:23: Music.

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